Photo of Enrico Letta

Enrico Letta is the new leader of the Italian Democratic Party

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Enrico Letta, former Italian Prime Minister and member of Re-Imagine Europa’s Advisory Board, has been elected leader of Italy’s centre-left Democratic Party (Partito Democratico).

Professor Letta, who recently left his post as Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) at Sciences Po, was appointed as Prime Minister in 2013 by former Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. He recently stated that he intends to renew the party, which he helped found in 2007, putting crucial issues like gender equality and youth rights at the centre of his agenda. He had already held Deputy Secretary’s post from 2009 to 2013 when the party leader was Pierluigi Bersani.

Congratulations to Professor Letta on his new appointment and wishes of best success from Re-Imagine Europa’s Team!

We are confident that his great international experience will guarantee a significant contribution to the party’s internal debate and Italian politics.